Friday, January 06, 2006

Web 2.0 PerfTrack Concept

Here's a god little concept for a Web 2.0 era application that I imagine someone could write and sell or distribute as freeware...

Write a small desktop app that monitors and measures desktop performaance before during and after eapp applicaiton or Web 2.0 applet is "installed" on your systems and then provide reports not only to the system owner and (if the system owner allows) to the application or applet publisher so that it creates a virteous cycle of performance improvment. This report can then be used to help the system owner understand which apps to keep, what to dump and so on...

The aggregated data across thousands of systems could then be used as an 'impact rating' of sorts and placed as a tag at the download source (i.e. so that potential users could make value decisions before even attempting the install.

You could even have an agent running on the system that would predict the impact of installing a particualr applicaiton/applet based on this data at the master ratings server that could have specific threasholds on what to install and uninstall and could make algorithmic recommendations on what to uninstall first so as to maintain minimum system wide performance features...

I could even see a Federated system that would live inside the IT shop of large Enterprises that would help the users make value judgetments on what to have on their systems so as to reduce the overall Helpdesk calls at IT...

just an idea... it needs more baking time...

Ken Cavallon


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